Just a normal girl with normal girl problems

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday-not getting much better

So not only is m freind mad at me because the boy she likes likes me and i dont think i can help that since i never talk to him and ugh wow no friend should blame the girl when the guy is the one who likes her! So yesterday i wasnt feeling too happy so i didnt blog. but today is a bit better untill a little bit ago. woke up finished my book report and started my essay and then i went to school dropped it off talked to some teachers then hung out at picos for pizza:) after i went to my freind kathryns house. she worked on a project while i chilled, wasnt a bad time:)

once home i had a very non-fun talk with my mother, i didnt enjoy it too much.
i went to my room and then started to work on my essay and study. today wasnt exciting and was kinda non-fun


another reason i cant blog too often is because my comp broke and i have to use my siters laptop and its not ofteni get to use it sadley:(

well im off to finish the essay and hemmm my shirts:D

xoxo Wishing Girl

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