Just a normal girl with normal girl problems

Monday, February 2, 2009


Okay today was intresting,chapel was okay but kinda wierd were talking about disorders and creatures,kinda intresting!
uhmm,after i went to call my sister cause of course i forgot my lock!After i went to my first class of the day and sat alone:P
I knew nobody at all,and when my friend came in she had to sit at the front so now i sit beside some 'diffrent kind of girl' but w.e we both forgot our locks and my sister didnt reply my texts so i couldnt get my lock till luch so by this time im bringing all my crap to every class which was annoying!
so when i finally got my lock i went to meet up with my three bestfreinds Rikki, Kathryn,and Sabrah...and we met Megan down at the caff.
We ate luch(I forgot mine) and went to my locker then to my freind Julianne's locker then to my locker to put my phone away:P
after we went to our gym class which was fun, we went over what was going to happen over the year. and intruduced ourselves to the class,and tomarow we have to do the fit.test!
it will be intresting...

When i was done all my classes and went around to our old classes to get our marks i went to my locker and then we all met at picos:) and my cousin,drew,and I all went to my place.
after a while of hanging out they had to leave and i went shopping,at designer depot.
It's accually a preh' cool store,i got two new sweaters and a pair of sweat pants and a new,nice,awsomely warm coat.
we finally went through the whole store and got home and had dinner(chicken and fries)

After Dinner i went to my room and cleaned it:(
Then Got my stuff ready for another boring day of school,and just talked on msn for a lil' bit.
Now that was my monday:)
Enjoy/Or Not!...Dont care!
i usually have pretty intresting days but today was a whole bunch of nothing,write back soon bye(L)

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