Just a normal girl with normal girl problems

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Okay i know its late and i dont have alot of time to write...

Today was boring like the last,i went to school went to my classes and went out for lunch to pico's.
after i went to my other classes and then third period i got called down to the Guidence Room.
I was like uhh ohh what did I do,Or what didn't I do, so I was pretty nervous i was unaware what's going on so all i did was went in they asked dumb qeustions and i got out to find out they called my sister down too(samantha,17).
when i got back to art i had gym,ohh boy BEEP TEST!!!
i totally was one of the last five ppl out of fifteen and then four then three then BAIL!
lol so i made it to level 6 only cause my shoelace was undone and i havent ran in like forever,and that was a suprise cause i love running its just hard to know when its gunna beep and like ugh,i know no excuse but w.e the final girl got to the eight'th level which is really good.
After i went to my locker/freinds/downstairs/change room.
Found out for volley ball the other school was changing in there so we went into the caff. which had like loads of hot guys;) and a couple girls from cheer.
so we wentt on the stage and changed behind the curtain,then we waited and hung out in the caff for a lil' bit and walked around.
After cheer started we went through our routine and all that shizz,then we went to practice stunts.
which was ok!
uhmm after cheer my mom picked me up went to wendy's got my usuall and went home ate,and cleaned my room.
oh and the boy from the last one ahah its all cool now which is DUMB!!!
since like he made a big deal about it and stuff it was like ugh!
but w.e:)
and for those who read it im not gunna bother with him anymore then.

ok its late and i have to wake up early!
so ill post soon(K)

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