Just a normal girl with normal girl problems

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Yea so this is my first blog:)
I'm excited,and im a loser:P...yea so well last night i slept over at a freinds house,and so when we woke up we went shopping she bought a jacket and i didnt get anything:(
but its cools.so when i got home me and my freind ali just hungout in my room for alil' and then went out with my freinds chris and caleb...and after we all came back to my house and in my basement.
uhmm i started ready breaking dawn yesterday and then went out with my freind ben,who is extremly hot(L)
lol.yea so today was a pretty blah day,nothing intresting.usually i can write forever but today was just a sit around the house and do nothing day,ive been really sick latley so ive been kinda not at school,so i didnt have to take my exams and i passed all my classes and then tomarow is the next semester and im starting easier classes gym and art and english and science,so it will be kinda easier than...french,geo,family studies,and math but im good in math.
wow this is alot of nothing so im gunna leave it at tomarow im starting a new semester and i hope its great,
talk to people soon(L)

uhmm im pretty sure this blog will suckk cause ive never writen one but w.e

1 comment:

  1. yay! i have a blog buddy! aha wow. anyways, it sounds like you had a fun day. mine was full of a whole lotta NOTHING! aha. i babysatt, i went on the computer. thats about it. well ill see you at school tomorrow!

    hugs & wishes

    k a t h r y n n

    -thats my new sign off : ) : P
